The Endless Optimist

No, it is not the case that I am an endless optimist and these stairs aren’t endless either; they just appear that way… The same goes for the optimism; I’m human just like you are! The fact that I am able to be more of an optimist than not is something I credit mostly to meditation. I meditate in the morning and again in the evening for about 15 minutes each time. Since the news of my layoff from my job, I am now meditating during the day as well.

The more you meditate, the more your “center” will be at peace. Your responses to others will follow as they will come from that place of peace and tranquility regardless of the situation.

“Go within every day and find the inner strength so that the world will not blow your candle out.” ~Katherine Dunham

This article is entitled, “Meditation is linked to happiness and positive behavior.” The title is self-explanatory, but the gist of it is that a study was done at the University of Wisconsin. There are many studies about meditation. It has been reported for years that meditation changes the brain. That has been very evident in my life. In the past, news of a layoff would have sent me into a tailspin of blaming others and I wouldn’t sleep a wink until I had secured a new job. That has not been the case and though I have been stressed, I seem to be able to “meditate that stress to a manageable level.”

Can you believe that an entire city that meditates is located in Iowa? I bet most people have a hard time believing that there is a city that meditates AND it isn’t located in California (or Arizona). I was so surprised to discover this after moving to the Midwest. I cannot believe that I moved half way across the country (I am originally from California) and didn’t quite move far enough to be among others from an entire city who meditate regularly.  It might be a place I retire one day…  Who knows?!   Click here to watch this incredible, short news clip that was featured on ABC!

I also believe in and practice the Law of Attraction. Many of you will know about that from “The Secret,” but it is MUCH bigger than that! Maybe I will save that for a later blog; for now, I am going to talk about my meditation. After all, I am trying to blog more regularly, so I don’t want to use all my material in the same blog. *wink*

As always, thank you for taking the time to read!

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